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Shelly Porges - Lecture - Ready for Hill
Shelly Porges is the National Finance Co-Chair for the Ready for Hillary Super PAC. Prior to this r...
So, as an entrepreneur, I think the first level...so I had six businesses, five successful exits, ov...
Barbara Novick - Lecture - Owning Your C
Barbara Novick is a member of BlackRock's Global Executive and Global Operating Committees and Ch...
Over time, our needs changed and we made adjustments. I'm not going to say it was easy. In fact, I...
Julia Stein - Interview - Organically Gr
Julia Stein is a co-founder of Organically Grown, a lifestyle brand that brings safe, affordable ...
I came down to Los Angeles and started my own business, which was pretty exciting and pretty scary a...
Constanza Ontaneda - Interview - C.S.O.R
Constanza Ontaneda is the designer and co-founder of C.S.O.R.K. (which stands for her full name C...
We started about a year and a half ago and I was just ending my freshman year at college. So I didn...
Lynn Book - Interview - Wake Forest Unve
Lynn Book is an innovative educator, internationally recognized performance artist, entrepreneur ...
The first thought as you started to introduce the question was go outside and that of course can ope...
Alison Gerlach - Interview - Entrepreneu
Alison Gerlach is a successful entrepreneur and business executive with expertise in and passion for...
I have to say, I don't care about an idea, I really don't and I have students all the time coming up...