Explore Topics / Finding and Understanding Your Target Customers(67 Videos)
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7 Videos
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Bo Bazylevsky - Interview - Zya and App-
Formerly Zya’s President and Chief Operating Officer, Bo Bazylevsky co-founded the company wi...
Well, I think like I started explaining before, I mean initially we were like, come hell or high wat...
Zach Shulman - Interview - Advice for St
Zach Shulman is a Senior Lecturer at Cornell University. He teaches courses on venture capital a...
We have companies where one customer base is eroding and they're taking advantage of another custome...
Zach Shulman - Interview - Advice for St
Zach Shulman is a Senior Lecturer at Cornell University. He teaches courses on venture capital a...
When we talk about who is starting companies now, you have people that have done it before and they'...
Haroldo Torres - Interview - Data Popula
Haroldo Torres, formerly a managing partner of Data Popular, is CEO for "Plano CDE", a research a...
I think it is important to understand your client very well. I think that, in the beginning, we d...
Seth Goldman - Interview - Honest Tea
Seth Goldman is President and CEO (TeaEO) of Honest Tea, the company he founded together with Pro...
I would not say it is necessarily socially responsible in particular but I think any type of brand c...
John Cayer and Jaime Allen - Lecture - S
John Cayer has worked in Brand Management at SC Johnson for the past 10 years.
John Caye...
What do we mean when we say consumer insight? Well, the importance of it is, to understand the unde...
Kate Jones - Interview - Provisor Market
Kate Jones has over fifteen years of experience in Sales and Marketing. Much of that experience ...
When we are going out in what we call in sales as prospecting, we go out and prospect new clients. ...