Explore Topics / Balancing Academic Life and A Startup(47 Videos)
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3 Videos
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David Bornstein - Lecture - Social Entre
David Bornstein is the author of "How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of ...
I traveled around the world, I backpacked for 12 months which I highly recommend if any student ever...
Joseph DeSena - Lecture - Personal Stori
Joseph DeSena has been an entrepreneur since the age of eight. From selling fireworks at age 8 t...
I realized I had to go to school. I couldn't go work with my dad, I had some money to pay for schoo...
Paul Joseph - Lecture - Student Business
Paul Joseph is currently in a leadership position at Netegrity, a technology company which is a l...
I think the other benefit of starting your own business as a student is you don't have to interview ...