Explore Topics / Angel Investors(32 Videos)
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4 Videos
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Steve Shapiro - Interview - Academic Mer
Steve Shapiro is the CEO of Academic Merit. Prior to this role, Steve had launched four different s...
So I'm a little biased because I am an angel and I deal with a lot of VCs. But, you know, in the an...
Invention to Venture - June 2005 - Sessi
Bryan Pearce is a partner in the technology and life sciences practice of the firm, based in Bost...
So the question - I'll just repeat it in case you didn't hear it, is basically as the statistics wou...
Paul Joseph - Lecture to AEM 325 - Marke
Paul Joseph is currently in a leadership position at Netegrity, a technology company which is a l...
There are private equity funds. Bootstrapping companies, they're organic growth companies. There a...
Mark Brandt - Interview - Notiva (Early
Mark Brandt is a Partner and Founder of The Maple Fund which invests in emerging technology - spe...
I would recommend finding an angel investor early on. Find someone that believes in you. Don't nec...