Explore Topics / Angel Investors(32 Videos)
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5 Videos
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Sean Neville - Interview - Simply Audiob
Sean Neville was most recently was the CEO and Co-founder of Simply Audiobooks, a $7 million inte...
I think what the Angel Group did quite well in terms of a process of the way you pitch them is if yo...
Sean Neville - Interview - Simply Audiob
Sean Neville was most recently was the CEO and Co-founder of Simply Audiobooks, a $7 million inte...
There comes a time in the business where it's in the first couple of years you're creating. You're ...
John Belizaire - Panel - Information Tec
John Belizaire is the co-founder of FirstBest and is an accomplished enterprise software entrepre...
In my experience, there seems to be a tremendous amount of capital available to be invested in young...
John Belizaire - Panel - Information Tec
John Belizaire is the co-founder of FirstBest and is an accomplished enterprise software entrepre...
The angel community is adopting a lot of the practices of the venture firms these days because they ...
Gun Sirer - Panel - Information Technolo
Gun Sirer is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Cornell University.
Sirer wo...
One thing someone was worried about is other people copying us and then outdoing us at our own game ...