Explore Topics / Angel Investors(32 Videos)
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Invention to Venture - June 2005 - Sessi
John J. Schwartz, Ph.D. has been an academic, entrepreneur, angel investor and startup consultant...
You want typically - you should invest in things you understand. And three, you should continue you...
Invention to Venture - June 2005 - Sessi
John J. Schwartz, Ph.D. has been an academic, entrepreneur, angel investor and startup consultant...
Basically my background is as an academic, an entrepreneur, now as an angel investor and startup con...
Invention to Venture - June 2005 - Sessi
Bryan Pearce is a partner in the technology and life sciences practice of the firm, based in Bost...
So the question - I'll just repeat it in case you didn't hear it, is basically as the statistics wou...
Paul Joseph - Lecture to AEM 325 - Marke
Paul Joseph is currently in a leadership position at Netegrity, a technology company which is a l...
There are private equity funds. Bootstrapping companies, they're organic growth companies. There a...
Hans Severiens - Lecture to AEM 325 - To
Johannes C. "Hans" Severiens earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard College and a Ph....
So, I, of course, asked a friend of mine, of course, you never do anything by yourself in life. My ...
Hans Severiens - Lecture to AEM 325 - To
Johannes C. "Hans" Severiens earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard College and a Ph....
One of the things in the Harvard case, which you have all read, I presume you read, and well it is t...
Hans Severiens - Lecture to AEM 325 - To
Johannes C. "Hans" Severiens earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard College and a Ph....
What is happening today? Markets are in turmoil. It is today very tricky to start a company. Not ...
Hans Severiens - Lecture to AEM 325 - To
Johannes C. "Hans" Severiens earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard College and a Ph....
Well, we are race and gender blind but the fact of life is many of these people come from an enginee...
Hans Severiens - Interview - Band of Ang
Johannes C. "Hans" Severiens earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard College and a Ph....
I started the Band of Angels--I really had the idea for it in 1994 maybe even slightly before that. ...