Explore Topics / Challenges Encountered During The Funding Process(14 Videos)
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Bo Bazylevsky - Interview - Zya and App-
Formerly Zya’s President and Chief Operating Officer, Bo Bazylevsky co-founded the company wi...
I would definitely say we had to absolutely raise money but initially, what I said, is I self-funded...
Tom Fuerst - Panel - Intersection of Opp
Tom Fuerst is the VP and Chief Scientific Officer at PharmAthene. Prior to joining PharmAthene in ...
So with regard to if you have a strong company and you want to go out and raise capital, it's very i...
Tony Eisenhut - Interview - Academic-Bas
Tony Eisenhut is Co-Founder, CEO, and President of KensaGroup. He has launched seven university-der...
Incredibly misunderstood and it's misunderstood by locale. And I call it The Wall Street Journal ef...
Dana Lampert - Panel - Rising Stars: The
Dana Lampert is a Cornell University student and co-founder of Wiggio.com. Wiggio.com is a free, ...
We were building the product for about six months when we realized that at some point we're going to...
Jacob Wright - Lecture - Hospitality Ent
Jacob Wright is a successful entrepreneur in many realms of the hospitality industry. A serial e...
You know, through the whole thing, I started out with 10 bucks. There's nothing. When I went from ...
Jeremy Riney - Interview - Project Playl
Jeremy Riney started Project Playlist in February, 2006 as a weekend hobby. After launching a MyS...
We're changing it 'cause we secured the domain playlist.com and that was ... I mean we're saying tha...
Ofer Ronen - Interview - Sendori
Ofer Ronen is co-founder and CEO of Sendori, which provides innovative monetization solutions to ...
One thing you can do is do research as a student and so I worked in different labs. I worked in the...
Donald Katz - Interview - Audible
Donald Katz is founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Audible, Inc., the Internet's premier a...
Everyday more people drive to work and eventually use our product. The average member consumed 14 b...
Paul McManus - What Makes A Venture Mana
Paul E. McManus is the Director of Portfolio Company Executive Resources at Millennia Partners. P...
Having the patience to start small. There are lots of folks who come in with deals that go off and ...