Explore Topics / Business Plan Components - Market Research and Analysis(18 Videos)
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Eric Young - Interview - Lean Startups
Eric Young was a co-founder of Canaan Partners and has served as a General Partner since its ince...
Acquiring the customer is very important and customer acquisition cost can be measured a lot of ways...
Daniel Simpkins - Panel - Hillcrest Labs
Dan Simpkins founded Hillcrest Labs in 2001 with a team of experienced technical and business pro...
So why create rules? People have said to me, well don't you ... if you're creating a new business a...
Michael Holland - Interview - Open Wonde
Michael Holland is currently a Director at Oberon Media, one of the world's leading casual games ...
Demand was tough. You know. Having done it in undergrad and you know, in my businesses. And then ...
Paul Wachtler - Lecture - Business Plann
Paul Wachtler is an independent medical device consultant....
You have to have a demand. You have to have a marketplace. It's either hospitals or children's toy...
Paul Wachtler - Lecture - Business Plann
Paul Wachtler is an independent medical device consultant....
So you come up with a product that will automatically water all the things in the garden center, and...
Patricia Warner - Interview - Entreprene
Patricia Warner is the founder of Global-eze Inc. Prior to founding Global-eze, Warner held progres...
Talking to businesses. Talking to people who are in the know in that area. Doing a lot of online r...
Hans Severiens - Lecture to AEM 325 - To
Johannes C. "Hans" Severiens earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard College and a Ph....
My advise to the class was going to be keep your daytime job, don't venture out. If you do venture ...
Tom and Denise Warren - Interview - Ston
Tom and Denise Warren are the founders and owners of Stone and Thistle Farm. Stone and Thistle F...
I think that there is and that's where market research is tough at our scale. To do an effective, I...
Elizabeth Ryan - Interview - Breezy Hill
Elizabeth Ryan developed a passion for agriculture from earlier generations and is CEO of Breezy ...
Well, I think there are two kinds. I mean there is market knowledge based on consumers, what does t...