Explore Collection / Ag- and Food-related Businesses(1738 Videos)
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Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
So we couldn't do the fresh. We decided we were going to do frozen. It was pretty risky because yo...
Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
Actually selling the product wasn't as much the hard part because, again, the retailers really want ...
Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
So we had in our early, very early business plans, that Group Danone was sort of an ideal partner fo...
Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
Yeah, I definitely took the leap and then I also felt like I had to take the leap to have a child be...
Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
So now we're finally in stores and we're really excited to get our first set of sales data. We're l...
Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
I had also just gotten married. So my husband and I packed up everything we owned and we moved to t...
Jessica Rolph - Lecture - HappyFamily
Jessica Crolick Rolph is founding partner and COO of HappyFamily, a start-up company that produce...
I'll start in Spring of 2004. I graduated from MBA from Cornell and got a job in Austin, Texas with...
Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
That's a great question and I think it is actually is no different than it is for Eric in that we ha...
Barb Ross - Panel - Embracing Change: C
Barbara Ross is Vice President, Human Resources at Chobani. ...
Well, I think that our owner, Hamdi, is very committed to people. And he will tell you that, you kn...