Explore Collection / Ag- and Food-related Businesses(1738 Videos)
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Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co.
The Indian Milk &...
Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co.
The Indian Milk &...
I have, like Amrit said, a partner in crime. I literally got pulled into it, to become his partner i...
Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co.
The Indian Milk &...
I was still pregnant with our first one. When I started looking around the aisles, I'd never read la...
Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co.
The Indian Milk &...
Making the product, we felt thinking about the product was the biggest thing. It was the biggest cha...
Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co.
The Indian Milk &...
You can have a mind of your own when you're a chef. It's creative and it's closed doors. It's more l...
Ipshita Pall - Panel - Entrepreneurship
Ipshita Pall is the owner and co-founder of The Indian Milk & Honey Co.
The Indian Milk &...
When we launched our product, we did a lot of samplings at Cornell and we, every time we would get o...
Indra Nooyi - Lecture - Keynote on Women
Indra Nooyi is the chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo, the world's fourth-largest fo...
I think in today's world, contrary to what it was maybe 10 or 15 years ago, I think in the entry lev...
Indra Nooyi - Lecture - Keynote on Women
Indra Nooyi is the chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo, the world's fourth-largest fo...
If women don't speak out on women's issues, whether it be women in the workplace or maternal mortali...
Indra Nooyi - Lecture - Keynote on Women
Indra Nooyi is the chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo, the world's fourth-largest fo...
Faith is a personal thing. First thing I'll tell you. But I am a person who's deeply religious and...