Explore Collection / Ag- and Food-related Businesses(1738 Videos)
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7 Videos
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Wen-fei Uva - Lecture - Marketing Strate
Wen-fei Uva is a Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University. Her research interest is in mark...
Thank you Mark. How are you doing? I'm Wen-fei Uva. I'm the Senior Extension Associate in the Dep...
Wen-fei Uva - Lecture - Marketing Strate
Wen-fei Uva is a Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University. Her research interest is in mark...
Where can you find those market information? I'm going to review some of the resources for marketin...
Wen-fei Uva - Lecture - Marketing Strate
Wen-fei Uva is a Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University. Her research interest is in mark...
Next, I would like to review with you some consumer trends: what we should watch out for in the food...
Wen-fei Uva - Lecture - Marketing Strate
Wen-fei Uva is a Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University. Her research interest is in mark...
Now I would like to review with you some industry trends we have to watch out for. The first one of...
Wen-fei Uva - Lecture - Marketing Strate
Wen-fei Uva is a Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University. Her research interest is in mark...
So we saw internal consolidation in companies like Winn Dixie, Supervalue and AandP. And also, comp...
Wen-fei Uva - Lecture - Marketing Strate
Wen-fei Uva is a Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University. Her research interest is in mark...
So what are we seeing in this market. What is the relationship in the distribution channel for hort...
Wen-fei Uva - Lecture - Marketing Strate
Wen-fei Uva is a Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University. Her research interest is in mark...
Finally, value added is really the key in today's marketing. Value added could be product form, cou...