Explore Collection / Ag- and Food-related Businesses(1738 Videos)
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Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
I graduated in 2003 May in Applied Economics and Management and I would say, straight away I went ba...
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
First of all, doing it in class and doing it actually it was completely different and you have to .....
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
I had to do a lot of research when I got into the business because I had no background in the agri b...
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
It's a lot of people and in Sri Lanka, it's ... the labor rules are very stringent. So you have to ...
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
If they have roots back in Sri Lanka and if they have a family business and they want to live there,...
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
I would say in any business in today's environment especially cash is king. Liquidity really decide...
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
When I started the business, I thought it will be easy. It's not. So I learned that the hard way a...
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
There definitely is a sense of change. I would say more in India than anywhere else in South Asia. ...
Onesh Subasinghe - Interview - Opex Hold
Onesh Subasinghe is the Managing Director of Opex Holdings, Ltd.
Onesh Subasinghe is a gr...
Technology, because that's the main driver today. I mean if you look at the call centers in India, ...