Explore Collection / Venture Capitalists(281 Videos)
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34 Videos
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Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
Most of them are very, I would say, dedicated to what they're doing but also they understand that th...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
The first aspect I would like to say is that in every country or in every region in which you're loo...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
I think that one aspect of these countries that have surprised me and I have looked into situations ...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
Well, I think that in any place, if you're talking to business people who understand the value of wh...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
Before setting up Novarum, I traveled about 5000 kilometers visiting a total of 17 universities and ...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
I think the surprise that I have is more associated with the fact that ... and I don't want to sugge...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
My own experience has been dealing with, as I said, with scientists, with very bright young individu...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
A couple of things come to mind. Initially I said that I want to replicate this story but we need to...
Levindo Coelho Santos - Interview - Jard
Levindo Coelho Santos is a partner with Jardim Botâaico Partners in Brazil. He is responsible ...
Then I spent about 6 to 7 years working in Brazil always as a mergers and acquisition specialist, ad...