Explore Collection / Venture Capitalists(281 Videos)
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51 Videos
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Dar Caldwell - Entrepreneurship at Corne
Dar Caldwell is a founding partner of LaunchHouse, a Cleveland-based business incubator and seed cap...
And our group just very recently formed a public/private partnership with the city of Shaker Heights...
Dar Caldwell - Entrepreneurship at Corne
Dar Caldwell is a founding partner of LaunchHouse, a Cleveland-based business incubator and seed cap...
Your comment of entrepreneurs because they need to be. I'm seeing that more and more, just even her...
Dar Caldwell - Entrepreneurship at Corne
Dar Caldwell is a founding partner of LaunchHouse, a Cleveland-based business incubator and seed cap...
Much along the lines of what Peter was just talking about, I often say I have this dream job because...
Zack Schildhorn - Interview - Lux Capita
Zack Schildhorn is an Associate with Lux Capital, based in the firm's New York headquarters. Zack...
So my first summer internship at Lux involved getting familiar with the firm, understanding what the...
Zack Schildhorn - Interview - Lux Capita
Zack Schildhorn is an Associate with Lux Capital, based in the firm's New York headquarters. Zack...
I am from outside Philadelphia and came to visit Cornell on the first Sunday of spring break. The a...
Zack Schildhorn - Interview - Lux Capita
Zack Schildhorn is an Associate with Lux Capital, based in the firm's New York headquarters. Zack...
So when I was a junior at Cornell, I went onto MonsterTrak, which is the typical job recruiting site...
Zack Schildhorn - Interview - Lux Capita
Zack Schildhorn is an Associate with Lux Capital, based in the firm's New York headquarters. Zack...
So I got into photography when I was about 14 years old. That's when I got my first SLR camera. It...
Zack Schildhorn - Interview - Lux Capita
Zack Schildhorn is an Associate with Lux Capital, based in the firm's New York headquarters. Zack...
Well, you're asking if it's hard to bridge the gap between being an MBA student and an engineer and ...
Zack Schildhorn - Interview - Lux Capita
Zack Schildhorn is an Associate with Lux Capital, based in the firm's New York headquarters. Zack...
So it's a funny story. I recount this all the time. I remember the first day I walked into the Joh...