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13 Videos
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Lena Kannappan - Interview - FuGen Solut
Lena Kannappan is the Founder, President & CEO of FuGen Solutions, an independent provider of man...
I think it's been especially the last three to maybe six months, this has been a trend where the soc...
Lena Kannappan - Interview - FuGen Solut
Lena Kannappan is the Founder, President & CEO of FuGen Solutions, an independent provider of man...
I think it's been an amazing... in the months that we have been at Plug and Play. I just ran into o...
Lena Kannappan - Interview - FuGen Solut
Lena Kannappan is the Founder, President & CEO of FuGen Solutions, an independent provider of man...
I wouldn't just work, work, work... I would say, it's really fun. I mean you have to take it ... yo...
Lena Kannappan - Interview - FuGen Solut
Lena Kannappan is the Founder, President & CEO of FuGen Solutions, an independent provider of man...
The most surprising thing is probably you know, there's some kind of self elevation, right. You fee...