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Jules Kroll - Lecture - Entrepreneurship
Jules Kroll is the Founder of Kroll, Inc., which was sold to Marsh & McLellan in 2004. Kroll became...
Back at Cornell, in 1959, when I first got there, my plans were pretty simple. I was either going t...
Jules Kroll - Lecture - Entrepreneurship
Jules Kroll is the Founder of Kroll, Inc., which was sold to Marsh & McLellan in 2004. Kroll became...
So, let me first go to a little bit of history. As I said, I've started many businesses. Some of t...
Jules Kroll - Lecture - Entrepreneurship
Jules Kroll is the Founder of Kroll, Inc., which was sold to Marsh & McLellan in 2004. Kroll became...
Number two - the relationships you build along the way are hugely important. If you come through fo...
Jules Kroll - Lecture - Entrepreneurship
Jules Kroll is the Founder of Kroll, Inc., which was sold to Marsh & McLellan in 2004. Kroll became...
So I looked around. I looked at the idea of privatizing and bringing capital to the legal market ou...
William Rosenzweig - Panel - Investing i
William Rosenzweig is co-founder and Managing Director at Physic Ventures. He focuses on creating...
I think one of the other ways to look at this is to think about the convergence now of social issues...
William Rosenzweig - Panel - Investing i
William Rosenzweig is co-founder and Managing Director at Physic Ventures. He focuses on creating...
I am Will Rosensweig and I am one of the managing directors of Physic Ventures which is based in San...
William Rosenzweig - Panel - Investing i
William Rosenzweig is co-founder and Managing Director at Physic Ventures. He focuses on creating...
I think we are on the cusp where technology is going to enable us to move a lot of the decisions abo...
William Rosenzweig - Panel - Investing i
William Rosenzweig is co-founder and Managing Director at Physic Ventures. He focuses on creating...
Venture capital is really unfortunately today only measured on one benchmark and that is internal ra...
William Rosenzweig - Panel - Investing i
William Rosenzweig is co-founder and Managing Director at Physic Ventures. He focuses on creating...
If you are working in a market-based system you have got to have profit. And when I was at ... we c...