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Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006.
The first thing I'm trying to do is to let the marketers in Indonesia market to Indonesians and to m...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006.
Well a key part of our reframing of the cheese category is to look at it through the consumer's eyes...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006.
I believe very strongly in the concept of servant leadership and I would tell you that the people th...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006. Rosenfeld had spen...
We've spent a lot of time talking about what we call 360 degree marketing which is kind of surround ...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006.
I'll tell you fundamental consumer marketing training is the single biggest opportunity. I've got t...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006. Rosenfeld had spen...
It's always difficult to populate a talk with your mistakes. But I've had many and you are right, y...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006.
Probably the most important lesson that has guided my leadership and I think has served me well is t...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006.
We are engaged in a transformation of Kraft to get the company back to its rightful position as a to...
Irene Rosenfeld - Roundtable Discussion
Irene Rosenfeld is CEO of Kraft Foods Inc., having been appointed June 26, 2006.
We had very strong brand names and there was really no competition and in many cases the customers w...