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Gamal Palmer Discusses Acting On Dreams

Speakers for this podcast

  • Founder , Global Eye Entertainment (GEE)
  • male
  • 1979 (Age: 45 years old)


Gamal J. Palmer, President of Global Eye, is a native of Philadelphia, earned dual BA degrees in Liberal Arts and Theater Arts from the University of Miami. While in Miami, Palmer launched his first theater production company where he produced and directed avant-garde theater works. While an MFA acting candidate at Yale University, Palmer co-produced an undergraduate abroad program, Arts in Action: Theater and Public Health in Swaziland and South Africa. While at Yale, he augmented his creative and producing background by studying arts organizations and leadership at the Schools of Theater and Management. He then designed an interdisciplinary graduate program for the Yale Schools of Drama and Divinity entitled, The Quest for Social Justice through Music, Theater and Religion, which takes place in Tanzania, East Africa. With the support of the World Performance Project, Palmer wrote and co-produced a one-man show, Mosaic. Inspired by his experiences abroad, Mosaic is based on interviews held with men of color in North America and South Africa. He is based in Los Angeles where he serves as the President and Founder of Global Eye Entertainment.

That was a quote from Mattie Humphrey who was an activist in Philadelphia, good friends with my family; well, my mom and my dad. I remember her saying, I think I was six or seven years old, when I heard her say that. I think that we don't get how much power we have. I don't think we fully under...(Full transcript available to logged in subscribers.).

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