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Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
We have announced partnership with Microsoft and we have some other ones that we haven't announced. ...
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
Well before I founded Kryptiq in 2001, I started my career from Purdue at Intel. I spent 15 years a...
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
Oh by far healthcare is subjected to and is undergoing phenomenal change. Change from government re...
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
The first thing is we look for people who are ... the ones that tend to do the best are the ones tha...
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
So we have both an official board and then we have advisors that function on an individual capacity....
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
The most important thing is that you act culture, you don't preach culture. So in getting everybody...
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
The first piece of that that we have roughly 600,000 doctors in the US alone that are practicing med...
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
So in 2001, having sold the company that we had turned around together with two other founders, we h...
Luis Machuca - Audio Interview - Kryptiq
Luis Machuca is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Kryptiq Corporation, the leading pro...
Kryptiq is the leading provider of connectivity platforms for healthcare and it's the ability for do...